How to convert form 1099's and W2's into PDF format files?

How to convert W2 1099 forms into PDF format files?

How to convert 1099 forms into PDF format files?

Step 1: Start ezW2 software

Step 2: Click the top menu “Current Company->Form 1099” to open 1099 Edit forms.

Step 3: Enter 1099 information then click the button Print 1099 Form to open print option screen.

Step 4: If you want to generate the PDF format files, you can check the options and click the button “Print to PDF”.

- You can generate the  PDF file for just one 1099 form or multiple forms

- You can generate the PDF file for one recipient or multiple recipients.

- You can specify the file path after you click the “Print to PDF” button.

- The forms for one recipient will be saved into one file with file name like firstname_lastname1099.pdf, which you can email to your recipient later.

- ezW2 can generate the PDF file for Form 1099-misc copy 1, 2, B and C. 

convert 1099 forms to PDF file



How to convert W-2 forms into PDF format files?

Step 1: Start ezW2 software

Step 2: Click the top menu “Current Company->Form W-2” to open W-2 Edit forms.

Step 3: Enter W2 information then click the button Print W2 Form to open print option screen.

Step 4: If you want to generate the PDF format files, you can check the options and click the button “Print to PDF”.

- You can generate the  PDF file for just one W2 form or multiple forms

- You can generate the PDF file for one recipient or multiple recipients.

- You can specify the file path after you click the “Print to PDF” button.

- The forms for one recipient will be saved into one file with file name like firstname_lastname1099.pdf, which you can email to your recipient later.

- ezW2 can generate the PDF file for Form W-2 copy 1, 2, B, C and D.

convert w2 forms to PDF file


To learn more about ezW2, 1099 W2 Printing software, please visit

try w2 1099 software     purchase w2 1099 software

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