How to Create Digital Signature Image File with Paint
It will save your time to print a check with digital signature. Our ezPaycheck payroll software, ezAccounting software, ezCheckPrinting business check writer and ezCheckPersonal check writer for families can support signature image on checks.
Here are the instructions on how to create a signature for paycheck or check draft.
Paint is a drawing program you can use to create drawings or edit digital pictures. You can also use Paint to save picture files using different file formats.
Open Paint by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, clicking All Programs, clicking Accessories, and then clicking Paint.
Step 2: Create Signature
2.1 Set the image size close to 350 x 200.
2.2 Select the "Pencil" and change the line thickness.
2.3 Draw the signature.
If you need to create an image file for check draft, you can enter the text
Step 3: Save your file
You can save this file as bmp, jpg, gif and png format file, then add it to ezCheckPrinting, ezPaycheck, ezAccounting and ezCheckPersonal application.
- Print checks on blank stock with logo and signature
- Fill in data on pre-printed checks
- Print blank checks to fill in later
- QB virtual printer for QuickBooks/Quicken(for Windows)
- Unlimited accounts and checks for Windows and Mac.
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