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Thank you for using ezPaycheck payroll software. The difference is the employer-side Social Security Tax and Medicare Tax. You can find them on the employer report too.

As an employer, you need to pay both Employer-side and Employee-side Social Security Tax and Medicare Tax to IRS.

You can find more information about 2014 tax rate here 


Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
Small Business Payroll & Tax Software Solution 
i got a question on quarterly taxes. Per Employer quarterly report, for 1st quarter 2014, my total due to the irs is composed of the following: Fed Income tax Withheld, $3,223.79; Employee SS tax withheld 2749.18 and Employee Medicare Tax Withheld 642.94. Total of these items is $6,615.91. When I go to the Form icon, I clicked on the Form 941 for the first quarter, my total due to federal is $10,008. There is a difference of $3,392.00. What is the reason for the difference?