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If you need to file W2, W3, 1099-nec & 1096 forms, you will need ezW2 2021 Enterprise Version. The price is $99. We offer the free demo version, please feel free to test drive with no obligation and no credit card is needed.

With ezW2 software, you can enter the data manually. Or you can import the data from the spreadsheet. ezW2 supports paper form printing, PDF printing and efile feature. Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions.

- No red forms are needed for W2 and W3 filing. ezW2 software can print ALL W-2 forms (copy A, B, C, D, 1 and 2) and W-3 forms on plain paper with your laser or ink-jet printer. The black and white substitute forms of W-2 Copy A and W-3 are SSA-approved (Vendor ID: 1335).

- IRS does not certify the substitute forms. If you will mail the paper forms to IRS, the red forms are required to fill out 1099-nec Copy A and 1096. Our ezW2 1099 Software can print 1099 nec forms Copy 1, 2, B, C on white paper.

About ezW2 

ezW2 Download Link

How to prepare, print and file W2 forms

How to prepare, print and file 1099-nec forms

Sample W2 forms

Sample 1099-nec forms

ezW2 Purchase link

Red form purchase link

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
We have about 750, w-2's and 70 1099's. We only need a PDF of w-2's how much is it and how much is it for 1099 printed.
Thank you so much.