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ezCheckPrinting is designed for US market. Because it is very flexible, we do have many clients from Canada and other countries also. We have not received any check scanning issue reports from Canada clients so far.

Many of our customers print checks with MICR encoding with laser printers on blank stock. For better quality, you can use MICR ink printer.

How to print Canada checks

How to print blank checks to fill in later

Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions.

Thank you.

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
I have used the EZ check softwear very successfully for several years. I am now looking for a blank check stock that meets CPA standards as I now have clients who are interested in me providing checks for several companies there. Can you give me information as to whether you carry blank stock that meets the Canadian standards? I cannot tell from your web site if anything there meets all criteria.

Thank you