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ezCheckPrinting cannot support this feature right now. If you need customized design, you can contact us at support page 

We need get more details.

Thank you.

Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
Small Business Payroll & Tax Software Solution 
I have a property maaegemnnt business and have needed to restrict property managers from anything financial, which we have done with no complication. However, I would like them to have access to the notes sections. Is it possible to only allow access to update notes and nothing else?
Customer Darry Asked:

When I try to print payroll check from QuickBooks with ezCheckPrinting, it says the index was outside the bounds of the array. How do I correct this?

Answer from Support Team:

This could be an initialization issue. Please print a check just using ezcheckprinting  and your real printer first, before trying to print through virtual printer and QB. Let us know if you still have problems after this!

We have also added our quick start guide link below for your convenience on printing checks with QB and virtual printer/ezcheckprinting. 

Thank you,
Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
Small Business Payroll & Tax Software Solution