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Thank you for using ezCheckPrinting software . Here are the steps to add a new account by duplicating an existing account. Please make sure to change bank information in step 4.

1. Duplicate an account by clicking ezCheckPrinting top menu "Accounts->Duplicate Current Account":.

2. Switch the current by clicking the top menu "Accounts->Select account".

3. On check list main screen, change checks after to date "1/1/2001". Select all checks on list and delete them.

4. Edit current account bank information by clicking the top menu "Settings->Check setup". You need to enter the new bank information and reset the seed check number there.

5. Add and print checks.

Please try it and let us know if you still have any questions.

Thank you.

Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
Small Business Payroll & Tax Software Solution 
I duplicated an existing account because I wanted to add another account with the same check layout and settings.. just different bank account information. I then went in and selected the new account and deleted all the previous checks, thinking that would clear out the account. Basically make it new, however Im finding that..that didnt work as I thought. When I go to print check 1 from the "new" account its trying to print check 1 from the previous account. Is there a way to delete out all the previous checks numbers and have this duplicated account set as new? I tried to open the .mdb file in hopes I could delete it from there but it asks for a password. Please help.. thanks
