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Dear customer,

If you just have a few ACA forms to correct, it may be easier to print the paper forms with the "Corrected" box checked and mail them to the IRS. If you need to efile for ACA form correction, please view the instructions below.


ez1095 software allows customers to import data quickly from external files and makes it easy to print ACA forms for recipients. Priced from just $195 per installation, ez1095 supports multiple company accounts on the same computer at no additional cost.

We would love for you to download and test for compatibility! There is no cost for testing the
software. You will need to purchase the key to print, efile, use the pdf feature etc.

Purchase list-


Quick start guide

FAQ link-

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
I appreciate your help in processing correction forms through ez1095