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Please view our answers below. We are glad to assist you if you still have any questions.

1. Prepare data
You download ez1095 free trial version on your computer with no cost and no obligation to prepare data. The trial version will print TRIAL watermarks on forms. You can register the key to remove watermarks. All your data will remain.

ez1095 Software Free Download Link

How to prepare and file 1095 & 1096 ACA forms

2. One license option

If you do NOT need to print forms from both computers at the same time, you just need to purchase one license. You can transfer the license from one computer to the other when you need to file forms.

1) How to transfer data

2) How to transfer license

2. 2-user license option

If you need to run ez1095 on two computers at the same time, or the two computers need to share the same data, you need to purchase the 2-user version.

Price list

2-user version Data sharing
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
I am working from home today and want to purchase the software so I get my 1095-Cs inputted manually. However, if I purchase from my home computer, can I still open it from my work computer or do I have to purchase it again at work?