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Thank you for considering ezPaycheck payroll software. ezPaycheck automates payroll jobs for thousands of clients each year since 2005. I believe it will save time for your company also.

1. ezPaycheck can calculate taxes and print paychecks. Please view this guide

2. ezPaycheck can generate and print tax forms W2, W3, 941 and 940 based on your payroll data.

How to print W2 and W3

Red forms are needed for W2 copy A and W3 for SSA return. You can print other W2 copies (Copy B, C, D, 1 and 2) on white paper.

3. Federal tax deposit

Using EFTPS Site: Step by step guide 

4. Employee paycheck deposit

The current version of ezPaycheck does not support direct deposit feature. You can use ezPaycheck with our ezACH software. ezACH software will generate the ACH file that you can upload to your bank to process ACH transactions. Please feel free to download ezACH and try it.

How to use ezPaycheck with ezACH to deposit employee paychecks.

5. What is the cost of using ezPaycheck

6. How to switch to ezPaycheck in mid year 

We are glad to assist you if you still have any questions.

Thank you.
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 

We are considering doing in house payroll vs outsourced. I have been using the trail version but I have a few questions (see below)

Our Payroll has always been outsourced so this is a new area for us and customer support is a concern in case we have any unforeseen issues. In our research we’ve noticed that some state support is 24 to 48 hrs before getting a response, not good. In gist I need to know what the total cost will be. Unless the owner changes his mind we will need license for 1. The owner is paid quarterly so will definitely need assistance with set up. Other than the quarterly, no issues with the weekly test payroll, easy & running smooth. Looking to start within the next 2 weeks or sooner. We will need the ability to do the following:

Direct deposit
W-2’s auto filled and printable
Payroll taxes auto filled and printable

Thank you