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Thank you for considering our ezPaycheck!

1. ezPaycheck can export payroll data into .csv file, then you can import it to other applications. But we are not sure about the data format of TRAM. Please feel free to try our software.

Payroll Software: How to Export Payroll Data

2. We can solve most issues with email support. We also offer the remote support to companies who do not have IT or system admin.

Remote support is $30 for 15 minutes, $50 for 30 minutes, $90 for one hour. 

4. Do you know ezPaycheck can import data from zPay? We offer the free demo version of ezPaycheck payroll software? Please feel free to test drive with no obligation and no cost. No credit card required. We are glad to assist you if you have any questions.

ezPaycheck: How to import zPay (PayWindow) data?

ezPaycheck Free Download Link

ezPaycheck Quick Start Guide 

Sample Paychecks 

ezPaycheck Purchase link 

ezPaycheck FAQs 

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
My company was using zPay. Since they went out of business at the end of 2023, we aren’t very happy with our replacement and our looking into another payroll co.

I have a couple questions:

I work for a travel agency and we use TRAMS. Can I export data into TRAMS?

Your website mentions a charge for remote access support, how does this charge work? Is it based on questions I may have?

Thank you for your time.