Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
1. Please follow this guide

How to transfer ezPaycheck license and data to a new computer

2. If your computer is crashed, please let us know. We will send you a new guide.

3. Yes. With ezPayCheck(or ezW2) multiple-user version, multiple users can share the same data with a server, a shared folder, a cloud storage folder or others. You can decide the best option for your company.

ezPaycheck data sharing 

ezW2: data sharing

4. W2 1099 efile
ezW2 supports W2 and 1099-nec federal efile feature. However, ezW2 does not W2 and 1099nec state efiling feature.

How to prepare, print and efile W2 and 1099 forms

Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions.

Thank you,

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
For 2022, I purchased ez pay ck program with a single user, but my other
computer has a problem. I want to download on a different computer, Can I
do that?
for 2023; ez payroll and ez w2, 1099 with efile
I want to purchase with more than one user and network so this means you
can share with more than one computer? Is it easy to do? Can someone from
your company guide me with that? please get back to me
Note: is your product/program work for California state?