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You are right. With this QB virtual printer, you can print the QB checks on blank stock in one step with Top, bottom and 3-per-page formats. QB virtual printer does not support the middle format.

1. Can you print a check with top, bottom or 3-per-page format?

2. If you have to print the middle format check, you can follow this 2-step guide. 

1) Print middle format pre-printed blanks

2) Fill in data with QB.

Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions.

Thank you,
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
I used the trial version to set up a check and print it using check in the middle. I then read that QBO does not allow you to print as the middle with stubs on both ends. You can only print three checks per page or check on top with two stubs below. Is that correct?