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No, the ezCheckPersonal cannot print on business check paper because the check size are different. If your business checks is pre-printed with MICR line, you can fill in the checks manually.

We have two types of check printing software: ezCheckPrinting Business software and ezCheckPersonal, the wallet size check writer.

The MICR line format for US business check is: 'CHECK #, THE ROUTING AND THE ACCOUNT NUMBER", and standard business check size is 8-1/2" X 3-1/2

The MICR line format for US personal check is: "ROUTING, ACCOUNT NUMBER AND CHECK #", and the standard personal check size is 6" X 2-3/4.

If you have further questions, please let us know.
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
I am interested in the personal check writing software, but I still Have about 20 business preprinted checks on hand, will the personal version be able to print on the larger check size or will I need to toss those and start fresh?