Some clients reported such issue. #1, #2 are the most possible reasons.
1. It may be memory issue of your computer.
When you need to print lots of check, please restart your computer and run ezCheckPrinting only. You can start other applications after you print the checks.
2. Some anti-spy software may use too much memory when they start to scan your computer.
Some clients reported this issue.
3. Printer driver issue
If you updated your computer recently, please also check your printer driver. The old printer driver may not be compatible with the latest Windows. You can download the latest printer driver from the printer vendor.
4. If you have another Window 10, you can download ezCheckPrinting Version 8 free trial version and test it.
ezCheckPrinting Version 7 works with Windows 10 for most clients. However, some clients reported the printing issue when they printed checks remotely or print checks on server with multiple users mode. Such issue is caused by the new Windows 10 security settings.
The version 8 has been updated for the latest Windows 10 and the latest printer driver. It will have better performance with Windows 10.
Thank you,