Thank you for contacting us.
1. Many daycare providers like our ezPaycheck payroll software.
- User-friendly.
- ezPaycheck supports flexible hourly pay rate and salary. Calculate taxes automatically
- Support both contractors and employees
- Support unlimited employees with no extra charge
- Support multiple accounts with no extra charge.
- Free general support (Note: We may charge a fee for remote support, logo customized design and other service.)
2. Direct deposit
ezPaycheck can print paychecks on blank stock or pre-printed. If you need to direct deposit feature, you can use our ezACH with ezPaycheck software.
3. employee portal
ezPaycheck is the in-house desktop application. It does not support the employee portal right now. You can print paystubs in PDF format and email it to your employees. I will forward your request to our developers.
We offer the free demo version of both ezPaycheck and ezACH. Please feel free to try with no obligation and no cost. We are glad to assist you if you have any questions.
ezPaycheck Free Download Link
https://www.halfpricesof...ll_software_download.asp ezPaycheck Quick Start Guide Sample Paychecks ezPaycheck Features and pricing
http://www.halfpricesoft...features-and-pricing.asp How to pay employees via direct deposit
https://www.halfpricesof...-direct-depost-guide.asp Thank you,