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10 years ago
I have purchased ezCheckPrinting for Quickbooks last year. I like it. But it stopped yesterday. The program I have installed and uninstalled twice and the program still will not print checks . It says ezcheck printing has stopped. when I go to reprint a check it works but when I create a new check to print and use ezcheck printing I receive that error "ezcheck printing has stopped but if I use my printer it prints out a check. please advise as this has been going on for almost 3 weeks and I have clients I do payroll for are very upset with me. Please help. Thank you

10 years ago
Hi Wendy,

Please check this solution first. If it does not help, please email us more details to We are glad to assist you.

1. Error fix solution: ezCheckPrinting stopping working

2. If it does not help, please check this article and let us know in which step you got that error

- Can you print check from ezCheckPrinting application? (Step 2)
- Can you see pop up screen to select printer and account when you print QB check?

3. Your system: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, vista or XP?

4. QuickBooks version: 2015, 2014 or others? online or desktop?

Thank you.

Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
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