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ezPaycheck Quick Start Guide

Step 5: How to Create and Print Paychecks on Mac

<< Previous step: enter YTD(optional)


With ezPaycheck payroll software for Mac, you have two options to create a paycheck:

  • Option 1: Calculates the taxes automatically by using the tax tables

  • Option 2: Enter the taxes manually for after the fact checks.

  • Option 1: Calculates the taxes automatically by using the tax tables

    Step 1: Add a paycheck

    1.1 Add a paycheck by salary

    You can click the "NEW" button above check list on the main screen to add a new check. Or you can click the ezPaycheck payroll software left menu "Checks" then click the sub menu "New Check" to open New Check screen.

    On new check screen:
    - Select this employee from list
    - Specify Pay Date, Pay Start Date and Pay End Date.
    - Review the information on screen
    - Click the SAVE Check button to save this new check.
    - Click the CLOSE button to close this screen for other operations (such as adding check for another employee or printing checks)

    paycheck for employee
    (Click image to enlarge)

    1.2 Add a paycheck by hourly rate

    You can click the "NEW" button above check list on the main screen to add a new check. Or you can click the ezPaycheck payroll software left menu "Checks" then click the sub menu "New Check" to open New Check screen.

    On new check screen:
    - Select this employee from list
    - Specify Pay Date, Pay Start Date and Pay End Date.
    - Enter hours - Review the information on screen
    - Click the SAVE Check button to save this new check.
    - Click the CLOSE button to close this screen for other operations (such as adding check for another employee or printing checks)

    paycheck by hourly rate
    (Click image to enlarge)

    Step 2: Print paychecks

    2.1 You can select multiple paychecks from list and click the Print button to print paychecks together. paycheck printing
    (Click image to enlarge)

    2.2 Preview and print checks

    paycheck print preview
    (Click image to enlarge)

    2.3 Print paper check(s)

    print paychecks on blank stock with a laser printer

    Option 2: Enter the taxes manually for after the fact checks.


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