ezW2 Software

Getting Started

Getting Started

ezW2 was developed to simplify filling out and printing W-2, 1099-MISC, W3 and 1096 forms required by the IRS.

This program allows you to set up an unlimited number of employees and recipients. All data needed to fill W-2, 1099-MISC, W3 and 1096 forms can be saved for later use and modification. The program allows you also to print these forms both on the preprinted forms and on blank paper. Preprinted forms used should comply with the government specifications.
Legal Information
This program does not claim to offer legal advice for completing any of the forms supported by this software. The responsibility to comply with federal regulations rests on the filer and not the developer. Under no circumstances should you rely on this program as your legal advisor. Although the information provided has been researched carefully, the developer cannot guarantee its accuracy because regulations are constantly changing.



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