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I updated my payroll to the 2017 software and now the year to date amounts dont show. how do i correct
Please try the following steps:
1) Please click ezPaycheck left menu "Forms and report" then "reports"
2) Click "Employee Payroll Detail Report"
3) change from date to "1/1/2017", end date to "2/2/2017", then click "Display" button

Can you see all four checks there? If not, please check this guide to change report option, repeat step 1 to 3

If you still have questions, please send us your database file. We will check it here.

Followings are the steps to send the database file to us.

1. backup your current data to a folder you can access easily (ie: c:/temp) by clicking ezPaycheck top menu "Company->Back up current company".

2. Reply this message and attach the .mdb backup file to us (If your mail server does not allow .mdb file as attachment, you can zip this file first.)

We will check this issue as soon as possible.


If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution 
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