So we are having an issue with the software to print a $100.00 on the check for the amount. It does not print or show up in the preview.

Also How can I add to the Text Amount. It Shows and prints some of the data. "One Hundred and 00/100" I would like to add the work Dollars and run a line of "*" from the lats word to the end of the check.

Can you help
You can use the first company as template and add the second company by duplicating the first company.

1. Add first company, save data mapping

2. Add the second company

- Click the top menu "Company Management->Backup Current Company". enter the name of the second company.

- Click the top menu "Company Management->Select Company" to switch the current account

- Edit company setup

- Delete forms if needed

- Import data by using the saved data mapping.

Thank you.
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at services@halfpricesoft.com
Small business payroll & tax software solution