Dear valued customer,
Thank you for considering our ez1095 ACA software. We have added the price list below for your
convenience for the current yearly costs. The cost depends on the features you need to use.
The cost is per calendar year as each year has the new forms released by the IRS. We offer a network version for
different locations to process forms (cost depends on how many users you need)
We would love for you to download and test for compatibility! There is no cost for testing the
software. You will need to purchase the key to print, efile, use the pdf feature etc.
Purchase list-
https://www.halfpricesof...95-software.asp#purchase Download-
https://www.halfpricesof...ftware-free-download.asp Quick start guide
https://www.halfpricesof...z1095-software-guide.asp FAQ link-
https://www.halfpricesof...A-1095-software-faqs.asp Other features- different costs apply for certain features. See purchase link for details
-Unlimited ACA Form Printing with ez1095
-No pre-printed forms are needed to print 1095 and 1094 Forms. ez1095 can print ACA form 1095-B,
1094-B, 1095-C & 1094-C on white paper for recipients and IRS.
-Unlimited accounts, recipients and ACA forms with one flat rate
-PDF Forms Printing
-PDF Print ACA forms for recipients in digital format
-XML Files Validation and E-file
-Efile feature: Generate XML documents that customers can upload to IRS and state sites.
-Validate XML files
-Efile: support 1095/1094 original, testing, replacement and correction submissions
For Federal and States
-Fast Data Import
-Import data from spreadsheet, XML files and previous data
-Free customer Support
-No internet is required to run this 1095 form software
Please let us know how we may assist you further!