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3 years ago
Looking to purchase ezPaycheck Payroll software. I see the price is $119. Does that only get me through Dec 31st and then I will need to purchase again? If so, that doesn't seem fair to only use the software for 5 months yet pay for 12 months.
3 years ago

Thank you for your interest in our ezPaycheck payroll software.

1. What Is Cost of Using ezPaycheck Payroll Software?

If you purchase ezPaycheck 2022 version, you will get all updates for 2022 edition for free which includes Form 941 update in Feb, Form W2 & W3 update in Oct and Form 940 update in Dec. You can also add more employees or contractors when your business grows bigger with no extra charge.

You need to purchase the new license key to use ezPaycheck 2023.

2. ezPaycheck does not include the direct deposit feature. You can use our ezACH software with ezPaycheck. ezACH file can generate the ACH file and you can submit it to your bank to process the transaction.

We offer the free demo version of ezACH, please feel free to test drive with no obligation. The trial version can support the deposit for up to $4.95 for testing purpose.

ezACH Download Link

ezACH Quick Start Guide

Thank you,
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution