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2 years ago
Hi Helpdesk

I am using your software with my desktop window computer. But I would like
to used in my Mac laptop as well the same data, so I can travel working on
my laptop, and my employees working at office and they can print check and
other stuff for my clients need. What should I do? Do I need to purchase
another software or another type of software use? please help

Thank you so much

2 years ago
The ezPaycheck database structure for Windows and Mac are different. The Mac version cannot share the same data with Windows.

1. Can you run Windows version ezPaycheck on Mac?

How to run Windows application on Mac?

2. If you can run Windows version on Mac (or you have a Windows laptop), please send us a confirmation message. We will send you the special purchase link to upgrade your single-user version to 2-user version. The cost is $55.

Thank you,
If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution