  • Casey
  • Administration Topic Starter
2 years ago
ezW2 software makes it easy to paper print, pdf print and efile W2, W3, 1099-nec and 1096. Free demo version is available at

ezW2 software 

ezW2 Download Link

Sample W2 forms

Sample 1099-nec forms

Form W2 and W3
  • Paper print

No red forms are needed to print W-2 and W-3 for recipients and SSA.

- ezW2 software can print ALL W-2 forms (copy A, B, C, D, 1 and 2) and W-3 forms on plain paper with your laser or ink-jet printer. The black and white substitute forms of W-2 Copy A and W-3 are SSA-approved (Vendor ID: 1335).

- If you prefer the traditional red form, ezW2 can fill out the pre-printed forms also.

  • PDF Print(Enterprise version)

ezW2 software can generate PDF format forms for W2 copies B, C, D, 1 and 2

  • eFile(Enterprise version)

ezW2 software can generate the W2 & W3 efile document that you can upload SSA Site. Also ezW2 2019 and later version supports AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, GA, IL, KS, KY, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, UT, VA, VT, WI state file.

  • Quick Data Import

How to import W2 data from spreadsheet (Enterprise Version) 
How to import W2 data from ezPaycheck, ezAccounting and others 

Form 1099-nec and 1096
During the current tax season, you need to use the Form 1099-NEC to report nonemployee compensation for contractors.

  • Paper print

- Recipient copy
Our ezW2 1099 Software can print 1099 nec forms Copy 1, 2, B, C on white paper.

- IRS copy
IRS does not certify the substitute forms. If you will mail the paper forms to IRS, the red forms are required to fill out 1099-nec Copy A and 1096.

  • PDF Print(Enterprise version)

ezW2 software can generate PDF format forms for 1099-nec copy 1, 2, B and C.

  • eFile(Enterprise version)

ezW2 software can generate the 1099-nec and 1096 efile document that you can upload IRS Site.

  • Quick Data Import

How to import 1099 data from spreadsheet (Enterprise Version) 
How to import 1099 data from ezPaycheck, ezAccounting and others 
Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
Small Business Payroll & Tax Software Solution