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a year ago
Before I make a decision to purchase these products(ezPayCheck printing & ezW2&1099, I would like to ask the following questions.

1. are all the employee information & company information input in 2023 transferred intact to the next following year?

2. are these software networkable(can it be used in two or three computers networked)?

3.Can after-the fact payroll be processed, in addition to time entry and fixed payroll?

4. Can these program E-File NJ year end report such as NJ W-3 & NJ W-2, in addition to Federal W-2?

5. Can data in ezPayCheckprinting be transferred to ezW2&1099
at year end without reinputting the same information again, such as employee Co. information?
a year ago
hank you for contacting us. Please view the answers below. Please feel free to contact us if you still have any questions.

1. Data transfer

1) ezPaycheck data will be transferred from 2023 to 2024 version automatically if you install ezPaycheck 2024 on the same computer.

2) For ezW2, please follow this guide to roll forward data easily.

How to roll forward ezW2 2022 data to ezW2 2023

2. Yes. With ezPayCheck and ezW2 multiple-user version, multiple users can share the same data with a server, a computer shared folder, a cloud storage folder(for example: Google drive, dropbox) or others. You can decide the best option for your company.

ezPaycheck - data sharing 

ezW2 - data sharing

3. Yes, you can enter the after the fact paycheck easily when needed with ezPaycheck payroll software.


4. No, ezW2 2023 version does not support NJ W2 & W3 efiling.

ezW2 efile - state list

5. Yes, ezW2 can import W2 or 1099-nec form data from ezPaycheck in a few clicks.

How ezW2 works with ezPaycheck

If you have further questions, please contact us directly at
Small business payroll & tax software solution