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11 years ago
I am using ezCheckPrinting for Mac. I have no problem to add a check and save a check. However, when I print a check, I got the message "Access Violation". How can I fixed it? I am using HP Printer now.

Thank you for your assistance.

11 years ago
Thank you for using ezCheckPrinting. We found several reason can cause the this error when printing a check:

"Access Violation. Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press cancel to kill the program”.

#1: Invalid image format
- If you have logo and signature used in ezCheckPrinting, please remove it first, and print check.
- If you can print check without image, you can try with a different image.

We found Mac machine cannot support some image format (such as .png file). You should be able to use bmp, jpg and gif files for logo and signature image.

#3. Special Character in check
Your printer may not support some characters. You can create a new database with a simple name such as "Test" with default data. Then write a check to payee name to such as "Test1" for $10. Then print the check again.

You can click the top menu "Accounts->New Account" to add new bank account. You can switch the current account by clicking the top menu "Accounts->Select account".

#3 Invalid date format
Are you using US date format now? Such as "4/14/2014". If your machine is using a different format such as "April 4, 2014", you may see such error.

If you are not using US date format, please change it and try it again.

Please try it.


Please feel free to contact us directly  if you need assistance
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