Taxes and Deductions - how to handle payroll taxes and deductions

New Posts My FUTA tax rate is 0.6% and the software is calculating it at 6%.1414
How do I change it to calculate at 0.6% or 006.
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New Posts How do I add a non-taxable allowance to the paycheck?1243
Don't want to make a separate check.
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New Posts is there an option to email the pay stubs to the employees? Through PayWindow that we used last year1241
is there an option to email the pay stubs to the employees? Through PayWindow that we used last year
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New Posts I'd like to stop using QuickBooks for printing my employee checks/payroll.2217
I do it all manually with QB and this seems to be a much more simplified option for me.
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New Posts Family leave insurance should be in box 14, but W2 has an empty box 14.1293
NJ unemployment insurance is not showing a deduction on my employees paycheck nor is the NJ disabili
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New Posts Possible Ohio Customer1235
We are in Ohio and have several clients that have multiple cities. Is there a way to enter more than
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New Posts I need semi weekly taxes1231
Does your son
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New Posts Multiple jobs for one employee0181
How can I enter multiple jobs and pay rates for an employee wh works different jobs
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New Posts I have a question about payroll for a minister1245
Can you please tell me if there is a better way to do this?
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New Posts SCorp1225
I am interested in using ezPaycheck software for after the fact payroll and preparing the 941
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New Posts Is there anyway to accumulate and pay sick leave and vacation in ezpaycheck?1290
Is there anyway to accumulate and pay sick leave and vacation in ezpaycheck?
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New Posts Need help to set up state & federal taxes.1273
Need help to set up state & federal taxes.
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New Posts I am using your software for our business.1393
e will change our system, so some of the employees will cover 2 different shifts a
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New Posts Does your Payroll software calculate PTO automatically1398
Does it deduct hours used from YTD PTO automatically?
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