ezW2Correction - W2C and W3C - How to print form W2C and W3C

New Posts Any guidance you can provide is greatly appreciated1740
We use just the W3C item from your team.
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New Posts Updating W2c0596
Updating or changing w2c information

New Posts I'm looking at your W2C form and do not see a column 14.1740
Does your software NOT support corrections for medical changes?
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New Posts I'm considering buying your software.11,346
need to issue corrected W-2c's for the employees and a W-3c for the employer.
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New Posts I have 753 w2c's to file11,016
Can a file be created to upload in your w2c software to efile with IRS?
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New Posts We need to correct about 2,000 W2s. We are a team of 4 accountants.11,030
Will your software help us accomplish this?
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New Posts Can ezW2 allow mutiple users to share the same account and print tax forms?11,388
Can I use in different locations?
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New Posts want to be sure this software uploads from the file we sent to SSA before I purchase.11,267
Is there anyway to assure that it does before purchase ezW2Correction
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New Posts I filed a W2 that should be split in two states11,302
Which application would work for this?
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New Posts What are the requirements for any state filing11,277
Information needed for ezW2Correction
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New Posts how do I access and prepare a corrected W2-c11,243
Is this for all years?
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New Posts I have incorrectly filed W2's11,198
Which software do I need to correct them?
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