Thank you for contacting us. ezPaycheck can calculate payroll taxes, print paychecks, print tax forms W2, W3, 940 and 941.
ezPaycheck can export data into .csv file but it cannot export data into QuickBooks directly. So you should print checks from ezpaycheck. You can save money by printing paychecks on blank check stock. If you still have pre-printed blank check, ezPaycheck can fill in the data too.
ezPaycheck is $89 calendar year. if you purchase ezPaycheck 2015, you will get all upgrades for 2015 version for free. (ie: W2, W3, 940 tax form updates in December.) You need to purchase 2016 version next year.
You are welcome to download and try ezPaycheck for free before purchase with no credit card needed and no obligation
http://www.halfpricesoft...ll_software_download.asp Please feel free to contact us if you still have questions.
Thank you.