Employee Attendance Tracker Slashes Time Spent Calculating Work Hours, PTO, Sick, Vacation And Payroll
Managing employee time and attendance data can be overwhelming and time-consuming. As a business owner, there are few things more valuable than a tool that puts more hours back into your day, simplifies your life, and saves his money that you can re-invest into your business.
Our ezTimesheet Software handles regular, overtime, sick and vacation payment. It will automates the time tracking and payroll process. You can use it as PC Punch Clock software or you can installed on multiple machines to enter time manually.

Why ezTimeSheet?
It reduces payroll costs
. Due to overlapping time clock entries, the average employer overpay is 2.5%. ezTimeSheet eliminates this problem.
It saves time.
The program calculates time and gross pay automatically, preventing the need for owners or administrators to complete the task.
It adds value.
You can use the employee attendance data for business analysis, including scheduling and other essential day-to-day functions
No learning Curve
ezTimeSheet is easy to use even for people with no accounting and computer background.
Affordable - Purchase once and use it forever
5-employee version starts from only $39.
Free Trial
You can download ezTimeSheet for free, with no cost and no obligation..
TimeSheet Software Features list
Easy-to-use graphic user interface
Designed for small business owners;
Form level help buttons;
Employee Attendance Time Tracking
Employee time clock in and clock out;
Employee can also enter time manually if this feature is permitted by administrator;
HR administrator and Employers can also enter the time sheet manually;
Support overtime, vacation and sick Time tracking;
Duplicate/overlapped time entry check;
Note field can be added to each time entry manually by Administrator
Vacation and Leave Tracking
Support multiple accural plans
Auto-calculate PTO, leave time, vacation time, sick time based on the accrual plan;
Track available leave, used leave, and create Leave Reports;
Track available vacation, used vacation, and create vacation Reports;
Track available sick time, used sick time, and create sick time Reports;
Database Backup and Restore
You can backup and restore database easily
2-level password protection: administrator level and employee level
Multiple users can share the same database over network
User friendly and flexible report feature
Calculate gross payment automatically
Vacation, sick and leave report
Data Export and Import
Employee can export timesheet data, then send it to administrator
Administrator can enter timesheet report
Administrator can export screen report to different formats: excel or PDF or image format.
Export Payment data to cvs file. (You can import payment data to other check printing software or other accounting software to print payroll checks.)
Check Printing
Adminsitrator can export paycheck data to file. EzCheckPrinting software can read the data from print checks on blank stock or pre-printed checks.
Purchase and Support
Free trial available for one employee version;
No monthly fee;
Purchase timesheet software now and get the key code instantly;
No hidden cost
Free email and livechat support;
Price List
(Learn More About Purchase)
ezTimeSheet Software 1-employee license (No USB included)
No Key needed.
ezTimeSheet Software 5-employee licenses (No USB included)
$39 per site
ezTimeSheet Software 10-employee licenses (No USB included)
$59 per site
ezTimeSheet Software unlimited-employee licenses (No USB included)
$99 per site
ezTimeSheet Software USB
(no license key included.)
$16.95 (Each USB by USPS First Class Mail, US Only)
The license key will be sent to your email account automatically once the transaction is done. If the message is blocked by your mail server, please contact us at services@halfpricesoft.com.
The software on the USB is the same as the one you download from our site. The USB option does not include the license key. If you can download this software from our site, you do not need the USB. You can just purchase the license key. The USB is for the users who cannot download software or who wants to keep a hard backup copy.
How ezTimeSheet Employee Attendance Tracking Software works?
The employee clocks in and clocks out.
Or employee logs in and enters the timesheet manually. (Administrator can disable this feature)
Employee submits vacation request or leave request
ezTimeSheet Software
Calculate gross payment automatically
Auto-calculate PTO, leave time, vacation time, sick time based on the accrual plan -NEW!
Track available leave, used leave, and create Leave Reports -NEW!
Track available vacation, used vacation, and create vacation Reports -NEW!
Track available sick time, used sick time, and create sick time Reports -NEW!
HR Manager or Business Owners
HR approves the timesheet data
HR approves the vacation and leave request
HR can generate the summary report
HR can use ezTimeSheet together with ezPaycheck or ezCheckPrinting to generate payroll checks.
HR can generate detailed reports for each employee.

Attendance Tracker Landing Screen
Employee can clocks in or clocks Out
Employee can log in to view timesheet
Admin can log in to view timesheet, add new employee, configure settings and view reports
Download and try ezTimeSheet Now
Buy ezTimeSheet now

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Empployee management for attendance software
Admin Log in
Admin can add/edit/delete employee information

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Employee View/Enter TimeSheet data
Employee can log in to view timesheet data
Employee can log in to add/edit timesheet data if administrator enables this feature. Only unlocked data can modified.
Download and try ezTimeSheet Now
Buy ezTimeSheet now

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Admin View/Enter TimeSheet data
Admin can log in to view timesheet data
Admin can log in to add/edit/delete timesheet data if administrator enables this feature
Admin can lock timesheet data
Download and try ezTimeSheet Now
Buy ezTimeSheet now

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Administrator can manage leave plan
Admin can log in to manage leave plan
Admin can click top menu "Administrator->settings->Manage Leave Plan".
ezTimeSheet supports PTO, Sick, Vacation, Unpaid Leave, FMLA and a customized Paid Leave.
User can select Fix Rate plan or Accural by working hours plan.

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Employee attendance and payment reports
Admin can log in to generate customized report by employee and date range.
ezTimeSheet supports detailed employee attendance report
ezTimeSheet supports employee attendance and payment summary report
User can export data from report easily

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Database Management
Admin User can backup or restore database by a few clicks
ezTimeSheet supports network access.
Admin users can clear old data easily

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Download the free version timesheet tracking software now
ezPaycheck Payroll Software.
A lot of users like to use ezTimeSheet together with ezPaycheck.
You can use ezTimeSheet to track employee time and attendance. You can use ezPaycheck to handle your payroll job.
ezCheckPrinting - business check writing and printing software.
If you need to print paycheck for contractors, please try ezCheckPrinting. You can export data from ezTimeSheet and import the data into ezCheckPrinting in a few clicks.
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