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1095 XML File: Form1095CAttachedCnt Error and Solution

ez1095 ACA software allows customers to validate XML files before they submit the efile documents to IRS.

Step 1: Error description

ERROR (Line 26): The 'urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:7.0:Form1095CAttachedCnt' element is invalid - The value '' is invalid according to its datatype 'urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:7.0:TotalNumberNonNegativeType' - The string '' is not a valid Integer value.

Step 2: Reason

The Form1095CAttachedCnt error occurs due to an incorrect or missing Box 18 value on Form 1094-C. To resolve this issue, ensure that Form 1094-C is correctly filled out and submitted along with the 1095-C forms. Remember, the e-file submission must include both Forms 1094 and 1095 for successful processing.

Step 3: Solution:

After you fixed the error(s), you MUST generate the new XML files with ez1095 software. Please DO NOT modify XML documents manually!!!

  • 1. Start ez1095, open the 1094C form and enter box 18 and other information. Save your changes.
  • 2. Generate the e-file documents again
  • 3. Validate XML files and submit them to IRS

  • 1095 software
    From $295

    Securely File 1095 & 1094 ACA Forms In-House

    ez1095: IRS Approved. Trusted By Thousands.

  • Prepare, print, PDF print and e-file 1095-B, 1094-B, 1095-C and 1094-C ACA forms
  • Unlimited accounts. Unlimited forms.
  • For 2016 to 2025 tax seasons.
  • For both federal and states.
  • Try free DEMO today. No obligation. No credit card required. No risk.

  • ez1095 is compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and other Windows system, 32-bit or 64-bit.


    Related Links

  • How to prepare, print and e-file Form 1094/1095-C and 1094/1095-B?

  • (Regular submissions, corrections, and replacements for both current and prior years, for both IRS and state agencies)

  • How to import data?

  • Data sharing (for multiple-user version)?

  • How to pass ACA Testing (for new e-filers)?

  • How to validate XML files before submitting to IRS?

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