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ez1095 Software: How to Validate the XML eFile Documents before Submitting to IRS

ez1095 software version 2.0.21 and later adds the new XML file validataion feature. So you can validate the XML files easily before you submit efile XML documents to IRS.

With ez1095 software, you can print and file 1095C, 1094C, 1095B and 1094B ACA forms with peace of mind.

Step 1: Generate efile XML documents

Start ez1095, set up company, enter form information and generate efile documents. More information can be found from ez1095 Quick Start Guide

To use this XML validation feature, you should generate the XML files with valid information, such as valid TCC, EIN and other information.

Step 2: Validate XML files

2.1) Click ez1095 top menu "Current Company" then Click the sub menu "Validate EFile XML" to view Validate EFILE screen.

2.2) Select the XML file you want to check

2.3) Click the "Validate" button

2.4) If there are error(s), you will see detailed information from message board.