Efile 1095 ACA forms: [TPE1132] ChecksumAugmentationNum Error in Manifest File
Error: [TPE1132] Our system has detected an error while validating the "ChecksumAugmentationNum" value in your manifest file against the calculated value of the form data file.
Possible Reasons:
#1: You modified the XML file content or XML file name manually by mistake.(*****)
#2: You submitted the unmatched XML files
1. Create a new empty folder
2. Start ez1095, open one 1095 form (You can select anyone) and make a minor modification of the form
ie: change rd to RD, Apt to apt
So you will get a new checksum value when ez1095 generate the new XML files.
3. Generate XML files in the new folder.
You can edit the folder path in ez1095 efile screen
4. After you validate the XML files, upload the new XML files to IRS.
There are two file to be uploaded. Do not change the file names!