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eFile ACA Forms: MANIFEST-010-01 TestFileCd Error and Solution



[MANIFEST-010-01] The value of the Manifest 'TestFileCd' must equal the value stored in the IRS database governing the status of the 'FormsTypeCd'.

1: For Production Submission: (*****)

If you encounter this error during ACA Production submission, there are a few potential causes to consider:

Reason 1: Your TCC is still with "T" (TEST) status.

Solution 1:

If you have not filed for ACA testing, please follow our guide to pass ACA testing and move your TCC to "P" (Production) status.

Solution 2:

If you've already completed ACA testing, follow these steps to check your TCC status:

Step 1: Confirm that the IRS has accepted your submission for ACA Testing.

How to Check Transmission Status?

ACA tcc status

Step 2: Verify that your TCC status is now "P" (Production) status at the 1095/1094 form level.

ACA tcc status

Note: If the IRS has accepted your submission for ACA testing but hasn't updated your TCC status to "P" after two business days, contact IRS at 1-866-937-4130 to expedite the update.

Reason 2: The IRS has recently updated your TCC to "P" status, but the new TCC has not yet been synchronized with their servers.


If the IRS recently updated your TCC to "P" status, please allow for two business days for their servers to synchronize before submitting your ACA forms to the IRS.

1) Wait for two business days.

2) Make a minor change on one 1095 form (ie: change "rd" to "road").

IRS will not accept the same XML files they declined before.

3) Generate the new XML files, validate and submit the new XML files to IRS ACA Production site.

Reason 3: You submitted to the IRS ACA Testing site (AATS) by mistake.


Ensure that you submit your files to the IRS ACA production site.

2: For ACA Testing

How to pass ACA testing

1. IRS cannot verify your TCC(***)

If you've just obtained your TCC today, it's wise to hold off on conducting ACA testing immediately. Allow 2 business days for the IRS servers to recognize and synchronize with your new TCC status.

Solution: Try again after 2 business days.

2. You submitted the wrong files.(*****)

For testing, you cannot use your real company data!!!

Solution: follow our guide and submit the correct files for testing.

We have prepared all data for you. You just need to download it from our site and enter your TCC to generate the XML files.

How to generate IRS ACA test case scenarios

How to check TCC status?

3. You submitted the testing file to IRS ACA Production site by mistake

Solution: submit your file to ACA Testing Site (AATS)

IRS ACA Filing site

More information

Steps to file ACA forms to IRS electronically

Common IRS Efile Errors and Solutions

1095 software
From $295

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  • ez1095 is compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and other Windows system, 32-bit or 64-bit.


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  • How to prepare, print and e-file Form 1094/1095-C and 1094/1095-B?
  • (Regular submissions, corrections, and replacements for both current and prior years, for both IRS and state agencies)

  • How to File 1095 ACA Forms Electronically to the IRS without a TCC?

  • How to import data?

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  • How to pass ACA Testing (for new e-filers)?

  • How to validate XML files before submitting to IRS?

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