Part III: e-filing Forms or Other Features
If you need more features such as W2 & W3 white paper printing, W2 pdf printing, W2 efile features or 1099-nec reporting), you can use ezW2 software with ezPaycheck. ezW2 software can read data from ezPaycheck software directly.
How ezW2 pulls data from ezPaycheck
- ezW2 can import W2 and 1099 data from ezPaycheck in a few clicks.
- You can edit form data easily if needed.
- ezW2 can print ALL W-2 forms (copy A, B, C, D, 1 and 2) and W-3 forms on plain paper. The black and white substitute forms of W-2 Copy A and W-3 are SSA-approved (Vendor ID: 1335).
- ezW2 can print W2 recipient copies in 4-up format or one-per-page format on white paper. It can also print W2 copy A on red form with 1-per-page or 2-per-page format.
- ezW2 can print 1099 nec forms Copy 1, 2, B and C on white paper. IRS does not certify the substitute forms right now. You need to use the red-ink forms for 1099 nec copy A and 1096.
- ezW2 also supports PDF and efile features.