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Purchase 941/940/94x E-File for ezPaycheck and ezAccounting - IRS Authorized

Securely and easily file 941/940/94x forms directly through ezPaycheck and ezAccounting using our IRS Authorized system.

Pricing per Form

When purchasing more forms, the cost per form decreases. We price base on the following chart:

Number of Forms 0-5 6-20 21-50 51-200 201+
Cost per Form $5.95 $4.95 $4.45 $3.95 Get a Quote

For example:

  • 2 form costs 2 * 5.95 = $11.90
  • 7 forms cost 5 * 5.95 + 2 * 4.95 = $39.65
  • 27 forms cost 5 * 5.95 + 15 * 4.95 + 7 * 4.45 = $135.15

Select the number of forms to purchase:

Total Cost: $5.95

E-File Easier Than Ever Before

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Safe Direct Transmissions

Our IRS authorized system safely and reliably transfers E-Files

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ezPaycheck and ezAccounting Integration

Directly file from inside the app easily

941 efile

Feature Complete

  • 941, 940, and Schedule-B
  • Supports CPAs and Accountants

What is a 94x E-Filing

A 94x E-Filing is a way to electronically submit your 941/940/94x forms to the IRS. This is a faster and more secure way to submit your forms than traditional paper filing. The IRS requires that all businesses with employees file a 941 form quarterly to report wages, tips, and other compensation paid to employees, as well as the employer's share of Social Security and Medicare taxes.

For now, this is only available for Windows ezPaycheck and ezAccounting.

What is a 941 form?

What do I need to start?

First, purchase ezPaycheck or ezAccounting and set up your company and employees. Then, purchase the 941 E-File service to submit your 941 forms electronically.

Download ezPaycheck

Note: You must be using version 3.14.15 or later of windows ezPaycheck to use this feature. Please update to that version if you are using an older version.

Full Instructions

How does the pricing model work?

The form costs is payment for each form you submit. For example, if your company is planning to submit 10 941 for Q3 with the IRS, you will need to purchase 10 forms for that quarter. Unused forms can be saved between quarters.

Your form credits work for both 941 and 940 submissions.

More FAQ answers found here.

Video Tutorial