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Import 1095: Unable to Find Responsible SSN

ez1095 software can important 1095B or 1095C data from spreadsheet. Please follow this guide to solve the error "unable to find responsible SSN".

The "responsible individual" is the person who, based on a relationship to the covered individuals, the primary name on the coverage.

1. Solution for 1095-C Data Import

Please follow this guide to import data.

How to import 1095-C data (with sample files)

For example: If you need to create a 1095-C for Teresa Grays, you need to import Teresa's data in step 4 before you import her data and dependent data in step 5. Teresa's SSN is the Response SSN used in step 5.

response ssn


1.1 Test with Sample Data:
- Download our sample data files from Step 2 in the guide above.
- Import the sample data to check if the process runs without errors.

1.2 Gradually Add Your Data:
- If the sample data imports successfully, add a few rows of your own data to the .csv file.
- Test the import function again to ensure no errors occur.

1.3 Repeat the Process:
- Continue adding more of your data in small increments.
- Repeat the test until all your data is successfully imported.

2. Solution for 1095-B Data Import

Please follow this guide to import data.

How to import 1095-B data (with sample files)

For example: If you need to create a 1095-B for Dolly Steele, you need to import Dolly's data in step 4 before you import her data and dependent data in step 5. Dolly's SSN is the Response SSN used in step 5.


2.1 Test with Sample Data:
- Download our sample data files from Step 2 in the guide above.
- Import the sample data to check if the process runs without errors.

2.2 Gradually Add Your Data:
- If the sample data imports successfully, add a few rows of your own data to the .csv file.
- Test the import function again to ensure no errors occur.

2.3 Repeat the Process:
- Continue adding more of your data in small increments.
- Repeat the test until all your data is successfully imported.

1095 software
From $295

Securely File 1095 & 1094 ACA Forms In-House

ez1095: IRS Approved. Trusted By Thousands.

  • Prepare, print, PDF print and e-file 1095-B, 1094-B, 1095-C and 1094-C ACA forms
  • Unlimited accounts. Unlimited forms.
  • For 2016 to 2025 tax seasons.
  • For both federal and states.
  • Try free DEMO today. No obligation. No credit card required. No risk.

  • ez1095 is compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and other Windows system, 32-bit or 64-bit.